Sometimes a project requires more than just excavation. The San Diego Courthouse project entailed excavating and exporting 80,000 cubic yards of earth and segregating and exporting more than 20,000 tons of hazardous soils. Excavated and graded a number of multi-elevation mat foundations. Some of the contaminated soil went to Class II landfills while the remainder was exported to a Class Ill landfill. For this project, Sharma also completed the backfill and compacting for interior tunnels, cut off and removed shoring beams and backfill to grade. The team also finished the demolition, exporting and grading for off site improvements adjacent to the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System rail.
The busy downtown San Diego location made the excavation and trucking for this job more challenging than a comparable job at a more isolated site would be. Profiling contaminated and hazardous materials also added an additional layer of complexity to this job.